Thoughts Of You issue 1 pdf
Thoughts Of You fanzine
Thoughts Of You - a Dennis Wilson charity fanzine issue 1: You Are So Beautiful (Spring/Summer 2019)
(Well the cover says Spring/Summer but it actually came out in October)
Also available on & ko-fi.
More preview images over on ko-fi
The launch issue. Contents include: fashion features inc. unofficial t-shirts from Bathroom Wall, a personal Valentine's Day tribute; what Dennis, The Tug Of Love, & You Are So Beautiful mean to me, Dennis Wilson For President t-shirts, thoughts on a spot of facebook wtf***ery re Dennis, Carrie Fisher & the Inauguration, an appropriate quote from Dennis; photos by Erin nicole, Star Wars mash up art by Why The Longplay face?; why this zine is fundraising for homelessness charity Simon On The Streets - including quotes re Dennis & homeless people; Forever inspired artwork by Gino Dal Cin; plus more... eta: zine is from 2019, some information is out of date & some things & web links featured in the zine may be no longer be available.
Content/trigger warning: contains brief mentions of abuse and mental illness, and a small amount of swearing & if you're avoiding 2016 - Feb 2021 US politics it's best to skip pages 46-48.
Zine is in pdf format. *This is a digital download only.*
Pay what you want / pay as you feel (minimum £1) & all money will be donated to Simon On The Streets (Registered charity no. 1088245), a grassroots homeless charity.
"Simon on the Streets remembers and engages those that so many forget".
You'll get a pdf download of the zine.
68 pages
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